Trade Tokens
XXYY provides detailed token information, including price, market cap, liquidity, and other trading reference data. XXYY offers the fastest token trading data display on the market.
Token Information
Basic Token Info: Contract address, trading DEXes, price, liquidity, market cap.
Time-based Trading Data: Switch to view trades, volume, and traders for the last 5 minutes, 1 hour, 6 hours, or 24 hours. The data is displayed separately by buy/sell volume.
Security Data
Mint Auth Permission Abandonment: disable/enable, disabled is green, enabled is red.
Freeze Auth Permission Abandonment: disable/enable, disabled is green, enabled is red.
Top 10 Holders' Holding Ratio: Holding ratio, green if ≤15%, red if >15%.
LP Burned Ratio: Burned ratio, green if 100%, red if <100%.
Pooled Token (Token Name): The amount and USD value of the token in the liquidity pool, token name varies with the specific token.
Pooled SOL: The amount and USD value of SOL in the liquidity pool.
Developer Address: Dev address, click to view the corresponding address on
Trading Pair Creation Time: The creation time of the trading pair.
Bonding Curve Progress: For pump/moonshot/makenow tokens in the bonding curve phase, the internal market phase progress percentage is displayed.
Internal Market Token Migration: Tokens are migrating to Raydium. During this period, trading is unavailable, and migration usually completes within 30 minutes. Once migration is complete, trading can resume.
Favorite Tokens
You can favorite tokens you want to keep track of in the token details section. Favorited tokens will appear in the left-side watchlist.
Trading Tokens
XXYY offers token buying and selling functionality, supporting one-click trading for simplicity and lightning-fast execution.
Select Wallet: Choose the wallet you want to use for trading. You will see the balance of the selected wallet.
Choose Trade Amount: For buy trades, select the amount to spend, or for sell trades, choose the token's sell ratio. You can also customize the buy amount and sell ratio. After selecting, click the confirm button to initiate the trade.
Trade Notification: After the trade is initiated, you will see notifications for trade progress and completion.
Trade Settings: Each trade supports system auto-settings or custom trade settings, including slippage, Gas priority fee, and bribe amount.
One-Click Trading: If you want faster trading, enable the one-click trading switch. Once enabled, a trade widget will appear on the token page, allowing you to instantly initiate trades by clicking the button in the widget without selecting an amount.
Profit & Loss
If you hold a token, its details will display your holdings information, including the invested value, current value, sold value, and profit.
Invested Value: The USD value of the purchased tokens, including token quantity and the number of buy trades.
Sold Value: The USD value of sold tokens, including token quantity and the number of sell trades.
Remaining Value: The USD value of remaining tokens.
Change in P&L: (Current Value + Sold Value - Invested Value) / Invested Value.
Share: You can choose to share your holdings and profits on X, Telegram with friends or groups, or download a holdings profit image to save. If friends register on XXYY through your shared link and trade, you’ll earn commission rewards.
Transaction History
You can view all transactions for a token in the transaction list and filter them by transaction type, amount, and other parameters. XXYY also supports filtering transactions by a specific wallet address, and filtered transactions will be marked on the token's K-line.
Last updated