Generate Trading Wallet
To ensure secure and convenient trading, XXYY uses newly generated trading wallets for transactions. Upon your first login to XXYY, you need to generate at least one trading wallet.
Generate Trading Wallet
Select the blockchain you want to trade on from the navigation, and click the generate button to create a trading wallet.
Save the Generated Wallet and Private Key
After the wallet is generated, you will be able to view the wallet address and private key. The private key will only be displayed once you actively click "View Private Key." Each wallet’s private key is shown only once, so be sure to save your private key carefully. If lost, the private key cannot be recovered.
Transfer Assets
After generating the wallet, you need to transfer assets into the wallet to begin trading. You can transfer assets by scanning the code from another wallet or by copying the wallet address. Once the assets are transferred, you can start trading.
Last updated