After clicking "Settings" in the top-right menu, you will enter the transaction settings page, where you can configure the following parameters. Once set, the corresponding parameters will take effect immediately.
Slippage: Allows setting a custom slippage ratio. After setup, the default value will be used in the trading component.
Trade Mode: Allows setting the default trade mode to anti-mev protection. Once configured, the trading component will default to this value.
Trade Fee (Gas): In SOL units, you can set a custom priority fee amount. Once set, the trading component will use this value by default.
Default Buy Amount: 0.1 SOL, 0.2 SOL, 0.5 SOL, 1 SOL—these four default values can be modified. Once set, the default buy amount will apply to limit buy orders.
Default Sell Ratio: 10%, 25%, 50%, 100%—these four default values can be modified. After setup, the default sell ratio will apply to limit sell orders.
Last updated